
How to survive vs state of decay coop
How to survive vs state of decay coop

how to survive vs state of decay coop

I'm happy that I don't buy this game for full price to play co-op.Ĭo op in this game is an afterthought. but like this, this is the ugliest co-op experience in any game that me and my friend played. For example: Go talk with your friend and select the right dialog option for giving the control permissions.įor me, co-op on this one could be very good. And secondly, this game must have options for it, in the first place.

how to survive vs state of decay coop

You can control when you want another player in your game. You are not waiting for a lobby like League of Legends.

how to survive vs state of decay coop

I agree with others saying "You wouldn't want a stranger come in and destroy your base, would you?" or "you don't want to see another player kills your community member"Yes, of course. with or without any permission options and yes, there are no options for it. I can not search containers other than mine etc. I can not control my friends base, I can not upgrade or something. Why wouldn't they just let the joined players control community members? I thought it was like that because you know LEFT 4 DEAD maybe? 4 people community and players controls one of them?But no. very questionable?Ĭo-op in this game is like you are playing an MMO and someone comes to you and just helping you to shoot and loot next few hours. I've watched videos on youtube but I missed the most important part of it before purchase.Ĭo-op system in this game is. I bought Game Pass just for this game and I made my friend to buy it to play co-op.

How to survive vs state of decay coop